
Submission Guidelines 投稿指南

All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through https://www.ce-jeme.org/journal/. To ensure your manuscript moves through the DOUBLE-BLINDED peer review, production, and publication smoothly, please check off your submission’s compliance with the requirements listed below. If your submission does not meet these requirements, it may be returned to you. For questions or inquiries about manuscripts, please contact the editors at cejeme.journal@gmail.com.

  1. Before submitting a manuscript, make sure the content of your manuscript is a good fit for the journal. Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they are original material and are not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
  2. Before submitting a manuscript, make sure the authors' identities are anonymous. Remove the author information from the uploaded manuscript file. Authors should also keep their identities anonymous by not citing their own work excessively or gratuitously. For example, references to unpublished reports or conference papers should be avoided. Do not blind a reference to a previous publication (i.e., “Author YYYY”) if it is clearly relevant to the present study as this simply makes the identity of the submitting author(s) more obvious.
  3. The text of manuscripts submitted for publication should conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) For details, see http://www.apastyle.org/. The basic formatting requirements are listed below.
    a. Manuscripts should not exceed 40 pages in total, including all tables, appendixes, notes, and references.
    b. Manuscripts should be typed for U.S. letter size paper and double-spaced.
    c. The type size should be at least 12 point.
    d. Figures and tables are to be embedded in the text near where they are first referenced. In case of acceptance, the Editorial Team might require high resolution files (300 dpi at final size) of the figures included in the manuscript in eps, jpg, pdf, or tif format.
    e. Subheadings should be used to effectively organize and develop your ideas and go as deep as two levels.
    f. A reference list that contains only references cited in the text must be included. Its accuracy and completeness are the responsibility of the author(s).
  4. Please submit a PDF version of the original manuscript (designated as Main Document in the system). If you write the paper in Microsoft Word, please convert it to PDF and submit both files. If you typeset in LaTeX, please also submit the .tex and .bibtex files.
  5. Each manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 120 words and 3 to 5 keywords.

请通过 https://www.ce-jeme.org/journal/ 向《教育测量与评估双语期刊》投稿。为了保证您的稿件能够顺利通过同行双盲审和发表等相关流程,请仔细阅读以下细则。若稿件格式与要求不符,稿件可能会被退回。如有疑问,请联系本刊主编

  1. 在向《教育测量与评估双语期刊》投稿之前,请确保稿件内容符合本刊征稿范围、具有原创性,而且未在其他期刊发表。
  2. 本刊采用双盲审稿。请确保上传的稿件中不含任何关于作者的信息。避免大量自我引用,以及引用未发表的文件。
  3. 稿件内容应符合APA出版手册 (第七版) 的格式。关于APA格式的详细内容,可参见 http://www.apastyle.org/,其基本要点如下:
    a. 稿件字数上限为10000 (包括全部图表、附录、注释以及参考文献)。
    b. 稿件内容需在A4大小纸张上进行排版。文本行间距应为双倍行距。
    c. 字体大小至少为5号。
    d. 图片和表格需靠近其在文本中首次被提及的位置。如果文稿被接收,编辑团队可能会要求作者提交图片的高分辨率文件 (300 dpi),格式为eps、jpg、pdf或tif。
    e. 小标题可以使用到第二层级。
    f. 文中的文献引用与文后的文献列表要一一对应。作者需确保参考文献的完整性与准确性。
  4. 稿件 (在系统提交时请标注为“Main Document”) 需以PDF格式提交。如果您使用的是Microsoft Word (.doc或.docx),请将Word文件转换为PDF格式,并同时提交两种格式的文件。如果您使用LaTeX进行文件编辑, 请同时提交.tex和.bibtex文件。
  5. 稿件需包含150-200字的摘要,以及3-5个关键字。

Copyright 版权

Authors of accepted manuscripts sign the copyright electronically after their articles are submitted for production at bepress.


Manuscript Review Procedures 稿件审阅流程

Each manuscript submitted to CEJEME will be screened for consistency with the scope of the journal. If found to be appropriate for CEJEME, manuscripts will be sent, with author identification removed, to qualified reviewers. Upon receiving the recommendations of reviewers, the editor will report a decision to the author, including reasons for the decision and the comments of reviewers.


Supplemental Materials 补充材料

Supplemental materials are materials that contribute substantively to the conclusion of the manuscript but cannot be directly included for reasons of space or medium (e.g., video or audio files, long code or script, or other supporting information). Please submit any supplemental material as a separate file. Also, please indicate where in the manuscript a URL reference to the supplemental page can be placed; the link will direct readers to CEJEME's online repository. Please note that supplementary materials are not subedited and are presented as provided by the author.

The following file formats are preferred. Please ensure that file sizes are as small as possible.

  • Text and Tables: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), MS Word document (.doc, .docx), or Plain text (.txt)
  • Figures and Photographs: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), JPEG image (.jpg), or TIFF image (.tif)
  • Data: Tab-delimited text (.tab or .txt), Comma-delimited text (.csv), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) (textual data/transcripts only)
  • Audio: MP3 (.mp3), AAC (.aac, .mp4), WAV (.wav), or AIFF (.aif)
  • Video: QuickTime (.mov), or MPEG (.mpg)
  • Compressed Files (for file management purposes only): ZIP (.zip) or Tarball (.tar.gz)

File names should correspond with how each supplemental file is mentioned in the manuscript. Data files provided for data sharing purposes should have names that are concise yet descriptive. Codebooks should also be provided, which describe how variables included in each table are coded and provide other relevant information. Each codebook file should have the same prefix as the data file. Please note that filenames should include letters, numbers, and underscores only; any spaces in file names should be replaced by underscore characters "_".

If you have other questions or need assistance with uploading your supplemental materials, please contact the editor processing your manuscript.

补充材料是对文章结论有实质性贡献但因篇幅或媒介原因不能直接包括在文章内的材料 (如音视频文件、长代码、脚本或其它补充信息)。请将任何补充材料作为单独的文件提交。同时,请在文章中标注何处可以放置对补充页面的 URL 引用,该链接会将读者引导至本刊的在线补充资料库页面。 请注意,补充材料在文章接收后不会进行再编辑,将按作者提供的版本呈现。

如下为首选的文件格式。 提交时,请尽量减小每个文件的大小。

  • 文本和表格:Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)、MS Word 文档(.doc、.docx)或纯文本 (.txt)
  • 图形和照片:Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)、JPEG 图像 (.jpg) 或 TIFF 图像 (.tif)
  • 数据:制表符分隔文本 (.tab 或 .txt)、逗号分隔文本 (.csv)、Excel (.xls、.xlsx) 或 Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)(仅限文本数据 / 转录)
  • 音频:MP3 (.mp3)、AAC (.aac、.mp4)、WAV (.wav) 或 AIFF (.aif)
  • 视频:QuickTime (.mov) 或 MPEG (.mpg)
  • 压缩文件 (仅限于方便文件管理):ZIP (.zip) 或 Tarball (.tar.gz)

文件名应与文章中每个补充文件的提及方式相对应。为数据共享目的而提供的数据文件的名称应简洁但具有描述性。 同时应提供码本,其中记录每个表中包含的变量的编码方式及其他相关信息。 每个码本的文件名应与数据文件名有相同的前缀。文件名只能包含字母、数字和下划线; 文件名中的任何空格都应替换为下划线字符“_”。
