Most Recent Additions
Sugene Cho-Baker, Guangming Ling, José Sotelo, and Olasumbo Oluwalana
U.S. Undergraduate Test-Optional Policies for International Applicants during the COVID Pandemic: An Exploration of Admissions Webpages
Sugene Cho-Baker, Guangming Ling, José Sotelo, and Olasumbo Oluwalana
中国大学生批判性思维能力的增长: 基于整合升学过渡与院校选拔的成长模型
Jinwen Luo, Minjeong Jeon, and Hong Shen
Chinese University Students’ Growth in Critical Thinking: Accounting for School Transition and Selection Effects
Jinwen Luo, Minjeong Jeon, and Hong Shen
基于二分算法构建的非参数 CD-CAT 选题策略及终止规则
李 俊杰 and 郑 慧婧
Non-Parametric CD-CAT Item Selection Strategy and Termination Rules Based on Binary Search Algorithm
Junjie Li and Huijing Zheng
一种高效的且适用于多级计分 CD-CAT 非参数选题方法
李 俊杰, 郑 慧婧, 康 春花, and 曾 平飞
An Efficient Non-parametric Item Selection Method for Polytomous Scoring CD-CAT
Junjie Li, Huijing Zheng, Chunhua Kang, and Pingfei Zeng
Steven Nydick
Detecting Careless Cases in Practice Tests
Steven Nydick
从 NEAP 阅读项目自动评分的数据挑战赛中汲取的公平性评估经验
Maggie Beiting-Parrish and John Whitmer
Lessons Learned about Evaluating Fairness from a Data Challenge to Automatically Score NAEP Reading Items
Maggie Beiting-Parrish and John Whitmer
重访中国初高中教育改革 —— 基于 2012 年与 2022 年两次师生调查对比研究
金 一翔, 钟 雨田, and 许 敏明
Revisiting Secondary Education Reform in China: Comparing the Perceptions of Teachers and Students between 2012 and 2022
Yixiang Jin, Yee Han Peter Joong, and Rose Gibbs
ETS 2025 技能分类法
Ou Lydia Liu, Harrison Kell, Kevin Williams, Guangming Ling, and Micah Sanders
ETS Skills Taxonomy 2025
Ou Lydia Liu, Harrison Kell, Kevin Williams, Guangming Ling, and Micah Sanders
郑 蝉金, 郭 少阳, 夏 薇, and 毛 绍光
ELion: An Intelligent Chinese Composition Tutoring System Based on Large Language Models
Chanjin Zheng, Shaoyang Guo, Wei Xia, and Shaoguang Mao
Gabe A. Orona, Ou Lydia Liu, and Richard Arum
The Language of 21st Century Skills: Next Directions for Closing the Skills Gap Between Employers and Postsecondary Graduates
Gabe A. Orona, Ou Lydia Liu, and Richard Arum
*Updated as of 09/15/24.